ARTstrology for Artists

Webinar 1
Spot your Money in your Chart

~ Understanding & advancing your art practice with the power of astrology ~

I founded ARTstrology, a system that empowers artists. I have developed a series of webinars, whereby I bring you astrological information relating to your own birth chart usable in everyday life, specifically related to your creative practice. Equipped with this knowledge, you can find how to get unstuck financially, if you are feeling uninspired and unmotivated or just at cross-roads. here...

28th October 2023

In today's society, things that are viewed as contributing factors towards one's success are: how hard you work, or how "talented" you are. However, the artist's whole being is paramount. Before moving onto producing creative work, there are key components that the artist needs to be working on in the INSIDE.

#TheArtistMethod programme 2022
Invest in yourself with the 21-day online self-development course and remove blockages for money, love and success.

The Abundance Course 2022 @Glamour Hungary
The Glamour 30-day Astro Marathon provided cosmic guidance to the magazine's readers and followers on the 2020/21 collective events.

Astro Marathon 2020 @Glamour Hungary

Previous workshops/courses

Have you ever wondered about tapping into the flow of the Universe? ​There are ways to help you to claim your own power, in order to manifest the spiritual and the material, for example – but not exclusive to – love, family, career, purpose, health, energy, spiritual growth, and inner peace.

Manifestation workshop 2022 @SpacetoMove
Whether we admit it or not, our appearance can have an enormous influence on our whole existence. The techniques are not carried out in the physical sphere, they involve entirely your emotional and mental realms.

Cosmic Weightloss workshop 2023 @SpacetoMove

"The course was not only complex and extensive, but it really started processes in me. A good, "I'm fine, I'm okay" feeling what I needed. In addition to tidying up, we also received Mon’s positive, supportive energies through the materials, which gave me a lot. I would turn to her with courage and confidence in the future if I got stuck."

"I got to know myself better, I could understand why the times are sometimes harder. I received advice that can be applied on an everyday basis. Thank you."

What do participants say?

"Thanks for such a great Experience. Really felt great Energy and Acceptance."

"It was a smashing workshop...I would be interested in knowing about any future events that you hold."

Kata (Glamour Abundance Course)

Phoenix (Manifestation Workshop)

Eszter (Glamour Astro Marathon)

Maddie (Manifestation Workshop)

Get in Touch

Please contact me if you have any question about my offerings.