
My signature 7-week online programme
“To change your world, whilst you remain the same - that is not possible.” Michael Beckwith
Solutions for problems reside in a different, higher vibrational realm, not the one they originated in. In today's society, things that are viewed as contributing factors towards one's success are: how hard you work, or how "talented" you are. However, the artist's whole being is paramount. Before moving onto producing creative work, there are key components that the artist needs to be working on in the INSIDE.
This is an active and interactive course. The of transformation includes various homework tasks to aid you to move towards your goals. You can manage your participation in your own time and complete the tasks at your own pace. The tempo is entirely up to you!
success is based on a variety of things that we wouldn't even consider
I am an artist....now what?
· Are you a graduate of a creative degree programme, but haven't been able to gain employment within your field?
· Do you have a creative practice, but you are currently being paid in "likes"?
· Have you always wanted to start your own creative practice, but afraid you cannot make a living from it?
· Are you employed, but you would like to create an independent business?
· Are you persevering, pushing forward, but you feel that you are not in "the right place or the right time"?
· You are a creative entrepreneur, but your business have just plateaud?
· Do you keep hearing "there's no money in art"?
· You currently have a job, but "just until you start making a living from your true passion"?
· Have you applied for all the jobs/grants/internships, but keep getting rejected?
· Are you living from payday to payday?
· Does your self esteem starting to take a hit?
· Do you feel unmotivated?
· Have you completely stopped being creative?
· Is your situation affecting your relationships?
· Do you feel like that you cannot make a change in your life?
· Do you keep starting projects, but cannot see them through?
· Are you even “checking out” (shopping, social media, bad habits) to block these out of your mind?

"The course was not only complex and extensive, but it really started processes in me. A good, "I'm fine, I'm okay" feeling what I needed. In addition to tidying up, we also received Mon’s positive, supportive energies through the materials, which gave me a lot. I would turn to her with courage and confidence in the future if I got stuck."
"I got to know myself better, I could understand why the times are sometimes harder. I received advice that can be applied on an everyday basis. Thank you."
What do participants say?
"Thanks for such a great Experience. Really felt great Energy and Acceptance."
"It was a smashing...I would be interested in knowing about any future events that you hold."
This course isn't for you·
If you are not willing to embark on some spiritual housekeeping
If you don't keep an open mind
If you don't value new information as an asset
If you want to sit back and wait for change to knock on the door
If your life/career/business is fab and you don't want make any improvements
If you got it all sorted and you know everything:)
This course is for you·
If you are ready to change things up, come unstuck, lay down a new plan, get clarity, then this is the course for you. This 21-day programme will help you to make the changes on the energetic level. Changes that last, so you can start building your new creative career on top of these solid foundations. This way, you can invite desired change into your life, achieve your goals and set yourself up for success. Whatever that may mean to you.
"Yes, I want to grow my Creative practice"
Please contact me if you are interested the next time this programme becomes available.